

“So saltygardener, I hear you were in a ‘sinking incident’ in Brazil?  What on earth steered your life journey to be living on a boat?”

Hmmm.. its true, I have actually been in a boat that sunk.  Friends tell me it is a great story (I might even relive the adventure and blog a recap of the email I sent all those years ago…) and it occurred at night in the seas off Isla Grande, Brazil. To shorten a long, wet, coldish, singing and laughter filled night on a remote cactus and urchin covered rock I can confirm it was an adventure I would not like to repeat. Within a week the cuts were healing, chocolate birthday cake had been eaten from a hammock (Kate I will love you forever) and I was back aboard a sailing day trip albeit on a much bigger, sturdier boat.  Maybe that sums me up fairly well – a little bit scatty on good plans, up for the adventure and ready to report on the outcome?

Lets just say that this salty is not your ordinary garden variety ‘Arrrgh’ (spoken in pirate) sailor, all who know me would say I’m a land-lubber at heart.  I love things that move and am deeply inspired to follow them and their amazing stories ESPECIALLY if they are edible. Plants and the seasons in particular, also nature, people, sea travellers, artists, musicans.. I could go on and on.

How did I end up living a sailing adventure life?  That one’s easy, I simply followed my heart. This blog is for me to tell stories, to inspire others, to perhaps ignite the dare to dream.  To show that day to day I live a fairly different life, but with a whole lot of normal thrown in. I even try desperately to grow stuff and be self-sufficient. If just one reader is encouraged to take the step sideways, dare to do what is not considered normal and follow their internal desires then I will be a very happy blogger in-deedy.

Welcome aboard x

11 thoughts on “About”

  1. Great name! Great post. I just returned from a week on a gulet off the Dalmatian Coast. I am not sure I could live full time on a boat, but i look forward to following your adventures. BTW, the shots through the port hole are really fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I totally get that boatlife really isn’t for everyone, it sure isn’t all sunsets and cocktails for me. I learned something from you today as I had to look up what a gulet was and now think I need to add the Dalmation coast to my destination list 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Did you know that in some areas of the world adding Epsom salts around vegetables makes them grow better? So being a saltygardener might be a more productive way to plant your tomatoes!

    Used to be a registered life guard, but since am wheelchair bound now I avoid water like the plague. My grandfather was a retired member of the USA Navy. Listening to his stories was a favorite past time of mine growing up. Keep sharing your great adventures with the world!
    Jeanette Hall

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  3. Welcome Aboard Jeanette! I’m working on ways to get plants to survive after they are inevitably doused in seaspray, it’s a challenge that’s for sure. I actually used to soak in Epsom salts after a long run oooh back in the days when I had a bathtub (sigh…), maybe I should be giving the tomatoes a soak instead?


  4. The comment about the Epsom salts, you sprinkle it in with the prepared garden soil. Just putting the dying plant in water with the salt will probably just kill it faster!! Sorry, I gave you the wrong impression.

    Have a black thumb myself around most plants other than tomatoes, cucumbers, an aloe Vera plants. Flowers are dead the minute I get near. (Mainly, because I mow them down while cutting the lawn. Since I am allergic to them. I want them gone!)

    Jeanette Hall

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Sea blogs from a wannabe self-sufficient gardener on a nomadic journey aboard a sailboat